One of my friends came to me yesterday saying that he had forgotten the password and was unable to recover his locked folder and files. Free hide folder, hide folder xp, hide files and folder, hide folders, usb hidden, removable devices hidden. Rating:1/10WinMend Folder Hidden 1.4.9 freeware. Password retriever freeware download - WinMend Folder Hidden. Access Password Retrieval Lite is a free program to recover the lost Microsoft Access database. Free download winmend password retriever Files at Software Informer. Hidden data can be displayed and unhidden only when the user enters the valid password. WinMend Folder Hidden is an interesting security utility that can safely hide any file or folder on a Windows partition or removable device, which. Then download the attachment by clicking here. Please purshase 'WinMend Folder Hidden Password Retrieve Service'. I lost the password of WinMend Folder Hidden.